"Children's Children are a crown to the aged..." Proverbs 17:6 NIV

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Spent another event-filled day with Amels. She is such a joy to have around. We were baking cookies again and I was reminded of being in my grandmother's kitchen watching and helping her cook and bake. My desire is to be a grandma that inspires sweet memories in my grandchildren and to be an example of what Jesus would have them to be.

I had an appointment to have my hair cut and Amels came with me and she had her nails done...in pink, of course!

Helping Granny make peanut butter cookies.

We had to go to the grocery store for peanut butter and got a few extra items.


1 comment:

  1. aw--what fun pictures! amelie had a wonderful day with you (she always has so much fun with granny!). the video was priceless! love it!
