"Children's Children are a crown to the aged..." Proverbs 17:6 NIV

Friday, February 6, 2009

Conversations with Amelie

Amelie: Hey Granny, can I get married?

Granny: [after initial shock at where this conversation may lead] When your a big girl and all grown up.

Amelie: How, Granny, how do you get married? How do you?

Granny: [now really worried about where this conversation may lead] Well, Amelie, when you meet a boy that you like and he likes you, he may ask you to marry him. You can say yes if you like him a lot or no if you don't like him a lot. The end???

Amelie: Well, maybe I will marry Judah but I think I will marry my Daddy.

Granny: Changes the subject to how much fun it was having lunch at McDonalds.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! That would be about the extent of my conversation with you about marriage as well!! Actually, I don't even remember getting the "talk." Kinda pointless now though :)
