"Children's Children are a crown to the aged..." Proverbs 17:6 NIV

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Grannies Just Wanna Have Fun!

This past Saturday evening, Hero and I were called to duty babysitting Amelie and Maeve while their parents and Shelly's parents continued to work on the house. Upon our arrival, Shelly said that Amelie was sound asleep but two year-old Maeve wasn't and that she would chatter for about a half hour before falling asleep.

I must tell you that she sounded so precious in there singing and talking that I just wanted to go in, pick her up, and bring her out into the living room to spend some time with us. I mean, after all, the half hour had well past and she had not gone to sleep. Hero said, "No. Don't go in there. I don't think Shelly would appreciate that."

I explained this to Shelly when she returned home. Her response? "Thank you, Pop-Pop!"

*Sigh!* Sorry Shelly. I'm just a sucker for adorable Grandgirls!

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