"Children's Children are a crown to the aged..." Proverbs 17:6 NIV

Friday, January 22, 2010

Since October...There was November...November 1 To Be Exact!

I'm such a bad Granny! I did not even announce the birth of our beautiful, sweet grandson Ezra Steven! He arrived on November 1 and was in a big hurry about it, too! His Mama thinks he didn't want to share a birthday month with a sibling (sweet Maeve) so he deliberately waited past his due date until November. Now, that's one smart boy!

I must say, Ezra has the most beautiful, kissable cheeks ever! He's just a mess of plump baby cuteness and deliciousness and I love to cuddle him every chance I get! So without further ado, here's our E-boy...um, at almost three months of age.

Note to Mama: I hope you don't mind that I *pirated* your pic!

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